Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wrong amount of control can leave a child depressed

Inner Light

Inner Light

Let your inner light glow.  So says this beautiful flower in the Medicinal Herb Garden.

via The Windsor Star:

Let your kid's style guide you

A mantra of modern mothering has it that kids should be independent and self-sufficient, and that's all to the good. But unless that goal takes into account the personality and self-control level of the child, an unforeseen result could be increased anxiety and depression, a major new study has found.

That goes for helicopter mothers hovering to meet every need, free spirits who want kids to find their own way, and managerial types who make it clear that organized behaviour is expected - whether that's the child's strong point or not.

"Parents should be comfortable taking cues from the child," says lead author Cara Kiff, a psychology resident at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.

Even though increased structure and guidance could make all the difference to kids whose weak point is self-regulation, "It goes against popular culture," Kiff says. Yes, parents always want to know where their kids are and what they're doing, but they also want their kids to be highly selfreliant at solving problems and doing what's asked on their own.

Read more: here.

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