Monday, August 1, 2011

Leonie Fennel's Blog

Leonie Fennel's Blog, is added to the blog roll today.  Leonie lives in Ireland and she writes beautifully and powerfully about the pharmaceutical industry.  Her passion is painfully clear; and borne from the tragic loss of her beloved son, Shane Clancy.  Here is what she says on her blog's home page:

My name is Leonie and my son’s name was Shane Clancy. He killed himself and another young man on Aug 16th 2009. He was on cipramil (celexa) for 17 days.
He never had a violent bone in his body and I know without a shadow of doubt that Cipramil caused Shane to behave like this.
The jury at Shane’s inquest returned an open verdict..(rejecting a suicide verdict).
Professor David Healy who was the expert witness at the inquest clearly stated that this can happen to a small minority of people who can have a terrible reaction to anti-depressants.
This becomes a major problem when there are millions of people across the globe being treated with these drugs!
After Shane’s inquest Lundbeck (the makers of cipramil) stated on RTE news that their drug could not have caused this and there was no evidence to support our claim, despite the dear doctor letter they wrote above admitting reports of suicide/homicide with the same drug!
The Irish college of psychiatry came out in the media to dismiss the experts opinion as speculative.
The Irish Medicines Board say that the patient information Leaflet give sufficient warning and we dont need a black box warning here like they have in Canada and the USA.
Timothy Dinan who has been the most vocal about disputing our claims is a member of The Irish college of psychiatry, a committee member for The Irish Medicines Board and receives honoraria (payment) from Lundbeck… so what does this tell you?
Is there corruption going on?

Leonie's blog is clearly written, original, thoroughly documented and easy to read.  Check it out!
One of her recent posts reviews Dr. Doug Bremner's new book:The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg

Doug Bremner is a doctor, a researcher, and a rare breed.  He stood up to the pharmaceutical industry---instead of looking the other way, or worse---continue to participate in the questionable practices which were directly related to loss of life, and which were corrupting the scientific evidence base for medicine.   The corruption of the evidence base occurs when unethical practices are used in conducting and reporting clinical research; and in dissemination of knowledge to other medical practitioners; and are usually the acts of doctors and researchers with major Conflicts of Interest.

Here is a video in which Dr. Bremner is talking about taking a stand. If you watch it on youtube, you will see that there are additional videos of Doug Bremner.

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