Monday, January 10, 2011

Questions Needing Answers

This was written by a mother who also writes about her life as the parent of an adult son who has a diagnosis of schizophrenia.

Child soldiers in Washington State

It is hard for me as an outside reader to really appreciate the complexities of the struggles that other people like Stephany o f Soulful Sepulcher and Becky of Involuntary Transformation have been having with the mental health system for their relatives. There is so much specific information that an outside reader can get lost. I don't know if I am just waking up or if it is well know by others that children under 18, especially if they are institutionalized, are trialling drugs that are already on the market for eventual approval for children.  Read moreHolistic Recovery from Schizophrenia

Stephany, the other parent here in Washington had this response to Rossa Forbes' article about our children and the age of consent being used to exclude parents, in effect denying them the right to act in their own child's best interest.  This  betrayal of trust is ongoing and standard practice.   Stephany's response is all too accurate a picture of how people are being treated in facilities.  As a psychiatrist told me recently, "those who disagree are "ill informed" at best, and "impaired" themselves at worst."   

"Even in private practice fully paid by top notch insurance, when my child was 13 the psychiatrist told my daughter and myself she did not have to 'have mom at the appt' or be involved at all due to the law of consent being 13. 

The story of Dan Markingson in MN who killed himself in the Seroquel drug trial is another case of no informed consent.

Also, in locked psych wards (not just the state hospital)patients are always given meds for discharge--don't take them? don't get out.

I've been inside 4 separate facilities and see patients coerced, forced injected...

One woman was at my feet sobbing and screaming and yelling help to call her attorney, objecting to the B-52 Haldol combo about to be forcibly injected into her and the staff ingored the phone request and used disposable restraints to her hands, feet and 6 staff held her down to shoot her up.

I was a visitor! imagine what I didn't see. Imagine if you cannot speak.

Until the medication treatment protocol is stopped for care in the U.S. this will continue. It's all about psych drugs here.

I've seen ppl get wheeled in on gurneys time and time again and they do not get information on the drugs they take at all and if they DO know what to ask for or not take---due to side effects--they are ignored.

We have a mental health crisis in America and groups such as NAMI that support drug based medical care and take money from pharma which directly influences their drug promomotions are heavy players in the game of profit before patients in the treatment of mental illness.

That's why ppl should read Whitaker's book--the rise of disability and ppl disabled from psych labels/drugs is at all time high and he ASKS the right question! Is it because of the increase of use of psych meds? and labels?


PS--child does not have to be in the institution for that lack of consent to happen."

The facts speak for themselves.  What I want to know is why is it that this is the way we are treating some of our most vulnerable citizens?  It defies every moral code and Law that applies (they are in fact ignored entirely)  As crazy as this is, I believe that this denial of dignity and stripping the labeled "mentally ill" of the protections of The Constitution of the United States, by ignoring The Rules of Evidence in the court proceedings against them; as well as their right to Procedural Due Process of Law; Effective Assistance of Counsel AND even the protection of  parents, in the case of children court ordered or not; as Stephany shared.   I believe that these laws and the stigma attached to the diagnoses, is what allowed Nancy Sherman and Dr. Jeffery Jennings to act with utter and complete disregard of the facts, and know that they could in fact do so impunity.  Scary very scary. 

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