Domestic and advocacy group officials testified about autism. Among the topics they discussed were efforts to increase awareness and understanding of the disease, the cost of the disease, limited public health resources, and public health policy. Representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) denied a link between rising autism rates and vaccinations. Representative Burton showed a video about research on the effect of mercury on the brain. link to watch the hearing 4 hours
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What are the conflicts of interest in this program:
via CNNMoney:
Cheap shots: Get vaccinated for free
July 7, 2011
(Money magazine) -- Adults tend to miss vaccines that can help keep them healthy.
"For kids, there are age-related guidelines and school requirements," says Dr. Susan Rehm of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. "For adults, we rely on health care providers and for patients to ask."
So ask. Starting this year, your insurer must cover 100% of the cost of 10 vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (certain existing plans are exempt, and your insurer may charge a fee if you go out of network). For a list, go to cdc.gov/vaccines.
read the whole article here
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