Sunday, August 14, 2011

Parental Rights Violations Under Color of Law

ma2.jpgMaryanne Godboldo
I am saddened and outraged that this woman has had her Parental Rights violated by CPS for seeking a second opinion, then following the advice of a doctor to take her thirteen year old daughter off of Risperdal.  Risperdal is a dangerous neuroleptic drug with serious "side-effects," and risks including disability and death.

I know the harm that can be done to a child who is given Risperdal...I also know there was a great deal of fraud and corruption involved with the marketing of this drug---Johnson & Johnson has paid massive fines for "off-label" marketing of the drug; and still managed to make  obscene profits.

Make no mistake:  what was done to Maryanne Godboldo, can happen to ANYONE.  This mother was effectively deprived her Constitutional Rights as a parent.  Parents have a Constitutional Right to make medical decisions, including mental health treatment, on behalf of their children.  Why are Child Protective Service employees and mental health "professionals" being allowed to commit these crimes with seeming impunity?   Neuroleptic drugs, like Risperdal, are teratogenic.  These are drugs that literally cause the brain to shrink; simultaneously, the drugs alter the  function of the endocrine, the cardio-vascular and the central nervous systems; causing dysfunction which may be permanent---even if the drugs are discontinued.  Why are Government employees being allowed to violate Federal Law with seeming impunity?  Forcing people to take drugs which may cause disability and death is a Human Rights violation, violates the Nuremberg Code, and it violates Individual Rights under the U.S. Constitution.

see:  4. Parham v. J.R58., 42 U4S 584, 602-606 (1979).

"This case involves parent’s rights to make medical decisions regarding their children’s mental health. The lower Court had ruled that Georgia’s statutory scheme of allowing children to be subject to treatment in the state’s mental health facilities violated the Constitution because it did not adequately protect children’s due process rights. The Supreme Court reversed this decision upholding the legal presumption that parents act in their children’s best interest. The Court ruled:  Our jurisprudence historically has reflected Western civilization concepts of the family as a unit with broad parental authority over minor children. Our cases have consistently followed that course; our constitutional system long ago rejected any notion that a child is “the mere creature of the State” and, on the contrary, asserted that parents generally “have the right, coupled with the high duty"Parham v. J.R.

Maryanne Godboldo had her rights violated Under Color of Law---What was done in Detroit is happening across the Country; we are aware of this case simply because the woman chose to defend her child and her home when the Police, including a Swat Team and a TANK(?!?) arrived to take her child from her illegally.  I say illegally because her Constitutional Rights as a parent were stripped from her without Procedural Due Process of Law.
via Detroit News:

Refusal to give girl medication led to standoff with police

Mark Hicks/ The Detroit News

Detroit — A Detroit mother accused of refusing to give her 13-year-old daughter psychotropic medicine to treat a mental disorder has been found in neglect.

A Wayne County juvenile court jury found Wednesday that one accusation of neglect was proven in the case against Maryanne Godboldo.
A judge is expected Sept. 29 to examine the custody issue and the child's medical treatment.

Godboldo and her family are considering an appeal, attorney Roger Farinha said.
She continues to have visitation rights while her daughter remains with her aunt, where she has been living since being released from a state psychiatric facility in May.

The girl was removed from the home in March, when her mother is alleged to have kept police at bay for hours as child welfare workers attempted to take the girl. 
read the entire article at The Detroit News: Jury Rules Woman Neglected Her Daughter

"the FDA has warned that the safety has never been established.� Despite this warning, Risperdal appears to be a more favored drug choice of psychiatrists that continue prescribing Risperdal children.� Some doctors claim that Risperdal children helps keep otherwise troubled kids safer, but child advocates think otherwise.�
The child advocates view the Risperdal children as part of a national epidemic of legal drug abuse.� Risperdal children are examples of people that are not mentally ill but are given very powerful medications that have only been tested on adults.� Instead of dealing with the underlying problems of children�s bad behaviors, doctors may be prescribing Risperdal children instead because it is cheaper and perhaps a lot easier to place a band-aid on the wound instead of healing it.�"  read the rest at Risperdal side effects children

Background via Natural News:
Maryanne voluntarily decided to take her daughter to The Children's Center (CC), a group that claims to "enhance the emotional well being of infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families," in order to get some treatment ideas. CC prescribed Maryanne's daughter some very dangerouspsychotropic drugsthat eventually ended up only only making the symptoms worse.

Maryanne then consulted with an outside physician who recommended that she stop giving thedrugsto her child, and instead pursue other options. Maryanne agreed and began to use holistic and natural methods instead -- and as a result, her child's overallhealthand well-being improved significantly.

The State of Michigan and CPS, however, decided to go after Maryanne for taking the child off the drugs, even though Maryanne was the one that voluntarily took her daughter to CC, and voluntarily took their recommendation to try the psychosis drugs. In other words, CPS believed that Maryanne needed to continue to give her daughter the psychotropic drugs, even though she is, and never was, underanylegal obligation to adhere to the treatment. In fact, no parent iseverlegally required to comply with drug or any othertreatmentsthat are harm theirchildreninstead of helping them.

But CPS demanded that Maryanne either resume the treatment of surrender her child to them. She refused this offer, of course, since it is bothillegaland unconstitutional. But eventually CPS succeeded in getting the muscle and guns behind an outrageous scheme to actually go and abduct Maryanne's child from herhome.

An armed SWAT-style team arrived at Maryanne's house days after the initial warning. Agents busted down Maryanne's door, and proceeded to pursue capturing her child -- and they actually brought atankto the house as part of their operation, as well as full protective gear and large assaultweapons.

In an attempt to defend herself against the unlawful, invadingterroristsfrom the state, Maryanne allegedly shot warning fire in an attempt to dissuade the agents from entering, but her efforts were not successful. In the end, the invaders captured the child ,and proceeded to arrest Maryanne on several alleged, but invalid, felony charges. Maryanne was later released, but now faces a huge legal battle as she seeks to regain custody of her child. She will also have to endure thousands of dollars in legal fees throughout the process.
Learn more at Natural News 

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