Sunday, August 21, 2011

Antipsychotics Are Not Appropriate for a 2 Year Old

via PsychCentral:
Antipsychotics Are Not Appropriate for a 2 Year Old
Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Antipsychotics Are Not Appropriate for a 2 Year Old

I remain astounded that psychiatrists and pediatricians think it’s occasionally appropriate to prescribe adult atypical antipsychotic medications like Risperdal to children younger than age 5.

Last week, The New York Times covered the story of Kyle Warren, a boy who began risperidone (Risperdal treament at age 2. Yes your read that right---age 2.

He was rescued from this unbelievable prescription by Dr. Mary Margaret Gleason through a treatment effort called the Early Childhood Supporters and Services program in Louisiana. Dr. Gleason helped wean young Kyle off of the medications from ages 3 to 5, and helped understand that Kyle’s tantrums came from his stressful and upsetting family situation — not a brain disorder, bipolar disorder, or autism. read here.

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