Sunday, January 16, 2011

Advocacy Groups Fail to Disclose Funding Sources

The New York Times had an article reporting a study on the lack of disclosure among advocacy groups.  The following is my commentary on the issue, which is being considered for publication.

This is an issue that should get more attention in my opinion. While it is true that NAMI changed slightly what the letters stand for, in my opinion it is not for the reason cited by Mr. Maio.  This is At the time the name was changed, was also when the pharmaceutical company funding was being used to transform NAMI into the media machine it has become today, using the marketing strategies developed by NAMI's benefactors. Language does matter; the current name implies that this "grassroots advocacy" movement is an authority ON mental illness, as opposed to being an alliance "for the mentally ill." The name change is a marketing strategy, plain and simple.
NAMI's failure to report any of the at the very least, questionable, and at worst, criminal behavior of the pharmaceutical industry; the Conflicts of Interest rampant in the American Psychiatric Association membership, or the research fraud of academia, indicate that they are in fact not advocating for those diagnosed with mental illness, but for the APA, big Pharma, and covering up the Conflicts of Interest and fraud of all the aforementioned NAMI" partners."
Most disturbing to me, they are reaching out to desperate people who need support and accurate information, and fail to warn about iatrogenic illnesses, often result from use that antipsychotics in particular cause. This risk is increased with dosage and length of use. They are failing to address the large numbers of those diagnosed who have had their lives irreparably altered; and are now disabled from the drugs which NAMI is stating are absolutely necessary to "treat" what are being called "brain diseases" in spite of the fact that there is no evidence any of the conditions are in fact the result of, or evidence of an underlying brain disease or disorder. They are failing to warn parents about ADD/ADHD drugs which have the potential to cause sudden death and psychosis. They are failing to educate the people who seek their "advocacy" and "education" how important it is to understand how important "Informed Consent" is, or to advocate for those who are coerced or forced to take drugs which have already caused them harm, and may cause their death. Given all of this, it is plain to me that this "grassroots" movement is a wolf in sheep's clothing; which only advocates for any policy, individual or group that is supportive of the drug industry, or other NAMI partners. Big Pharma has been massively fined, researchers that have been found out for unethical and dishonest reporting of results do not lose their licenses, their tainted research is not redacted from psychiatry's "peer reviewed" publications. NAMI says NOTHING.
Biederman is now an ADVISOR for Child and Adolescent BiPolar Foundation?! NAMI says nothing about improprieties and wants to continue to claim their intent is to advocate for what is best for our vulnerable family members, I for one am not buying what they are selling. Marketing strategies are only strategies, failing or stalling the disclosure of what financial contributions are made by the drug industry does nothing but make this group appear to be as unethical as the drug industry which is the major source of it's funding.
The only members of the community that were on the committees to transform the mental health system here in Washington State were NAMI representatives. This is because NAMI is NOT a "grassroots" organization. Strategies are developed and marched across the Nation; given the source of the funding, the source of the information, and the source of strategy and marketing agenda can there be any doubt that this group advocates for the the drug industry? The drug industry gets to direct it's education(advertising) and advocacy efforts, in exchange for their "donation," the "donation" is a tax-deductible charitable contribution!.
My son who was a adolescent was used in the drug trials which have led to the approval for use on an ever expanding list of symptoms. Without consent, let alone, "Informed Consent," I am alarmed to say the very least. My son had a 146 IQ at seven, and has cognitive and physical deficits that are known effects of these drugs. While I am grateful he survived his ordeal; I am scared for those who won't survive the Brand New World being shoved down their children's throats. While drugs may help some, there will be those who will be harmed and those who will die; and those whose parents will be taking care of them when tey become disabled into adulthood. What makes me angry, is like my son and myself, they will not even know it is a "potential risk" of this "medical treatment" because they will not be told. There is enough blame to go around. I personally believe NAMI, among others, needs to shoulder it's share.

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