Friday, December 31, 2010

Parents Need To Know About Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest
IS a term (COI)that the parents SHOULD be aware of and be informed as to what doctors on CABF's Scientific Advisory council receive direct influence via personal income from pharmaceutical companies.

These are the advisors who DIRECTLY INFLUENCE the parents and the protocol recommendations given to parents regarding the treatment of childhood bipolar and depression.

This is one example of how a conflicted doctor on the scientific advisory board at CABF who receives personal income from 3 pharma companies influences the parents who are searching for answers, for their children's mental health.

The above are words wisdom from another mother in Washington State who realized that she needed to become educated about the medications that were used to treat her daughter.  Like myself,  realized (too late?) that the treatment was the cause of many problems; and that there is an utter lack of ethical and moral standards in how treatments are "marketed" and how they are prescribed.   Our children were treated with medications used  "off label" which means the use is experimental.  How many of you parents knew that?  Our children are 3 months apart in age and have physical ailments as a result of treatment and both are disabled.   The drugs CABF is pushing for more and more children to be given; the very substances that caused my son's physical and cognitive difficulties.  My son was a guinea pig at Child Study and Treatment Center here in Washington State.  My son's physical ailments and cognitive disability are known effects of the drugs, known risks that were not shared.  I am lucky I wasn't one of the parents whose child died.

CABF has six advisory board members with glaring and known Conflicts of Interest 
Knowledge is Power
Check Your Sources of Information
Do Not Accept Advertising As Information
A Pharmacist, The Physicians Desk reference, Alliance for Human Research Protection  

Here is how the Age of Consent was used to deprive me the right to provide Informed Consent for my own child.

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